
the pyramid of Sensistan

Write about a journey you enjoyed:

„I travelled to Sensistan last summer with my dog, Villon. We went by plane, train in the rain, and by car. Sensistan is a little community in the jungle. We saw the pyramid of their gods, Kera and Tsoki. There were giant statues of the gods. Flowers had grown through the statues. It was wonderful. Villon said: it's the most beautiful place in the dog's world.

The Aboriginals were really friendly, but there was something upsetting in their eyes. Some freaky light was shining there. One of them asked me if I have ever tried to eat human meat? I said: no, never. He started to smile at this moment. I got scared, he wanted to „show me something”. Villon and me looked at each other and started to run, the people of Sensistan were following us. They caught us.

Since then, me and Villon have been sitting on the top of the pyramid.”

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